How do you feel regarding the CURRENT impact of automated episode discussions? (1 = Mostly Negatively / 3 = No opinion / 5 = Mostly Positively)

1. General impression 182 3.64 72.8% 34.93%
2. Impact on the overall experience of using Lemmy 176 3.52 70.4% 33.78%
3. Impact on activity within 163 3.26 65.2% 31.29%

Total votes: 50

Last updated: 1741777598

When it comes to episode discussion threads, budget 100 points between the following goals (0 = A COMPLETELY unnecessary goal / 100 = The ONLY goal worth considering)

1. Maximizing the number of lively episode discussions 1,115 + 348 22.3%
2. Maximizing the discoverability of new/interesting series 960 + 421 19.2%
3. Providing a useful archive for the benefit of future users 910 + 449 18.2%
4. Providing consistent/timely reminders to subscribers whenever new episodes air 804 + 522 16.08%
5. Minimizing "feed spam" of low-interest episode discussions shown to subscribers 676 + 640 13.52%
6. Maximizing the "fairness" of opportunities given to each airing series 535 + 835 10.7%

Total votes: 50

Last updated: 1741777598

Rank the following proposed episode discussion curation methodologies

1. Start with all airing series, but over time drop those which consistently fail to generate active discussions 202 1.96 26.93%
2. Only pick up a series if it qualifies via being in the "top X" most followed series of the season (e.g.: 163 2.74 21.73%
3. No change (Always post discussion threads for airing series) 159 2.82 21.2%
4. Only pick up a series if it qualifies via a community nomination/polling process 151 2.98 20.13%
5. NEVER post automated episode discussion threads on the main community feed 75 4.5 10%

Total votes: 50

Last updated: 1741777598

Regarding the previous question: rank the following proposals for dealing with series which are to be removed from the main rotation

1. Switch them to a less frequent format (e.g.: monthly discussion threads) 198 2.04 26.4%
2. Divert them into a secondary community w/ cross-promotion to the main community (e.g.: daily or weekly roundup/ranking threads) 174 2.52 23.2%
3. Divert them into a shared megathread (note: would have issues with cross-series spoilers) 155 2.9 20.67%
4. Divert them into a secondary community w/ no cross-promotion 113 3.74 15.07%
5. Don't post them anywhere 110 3.8 14.67%

Total votes: 50

Last updated: 1741777598

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a guest